July 16, 2010

Bicycle ♥

I sent my spoke card design off to Pedals2People for SpokeFest! I still have the blog post bookmarked from last years contest...I always seem to be running a day late. This year I remembered a day early! The bike gods must be pleased with me.


If you are fortunate enough to live in Spokane make sure to check out the Perry Street Fair tomorrow....maybe ride your bicycle?

Here's some bike love I've been ogling by Etsy artists!


......Have a pleasant weekend!


joseph's art and stuff said...

damn, i didn't submit one this year. i'm down here in alabama so i'll miss the perry street fair too...

Becky said...

I totally bought a print from the last artist in Portland! Awesome!

The Spovangelist said...

Thanks again for doing the Violet Bikers for BTW Week. Awesome.