March 31, 2010

April Showers

I've got 3 giant paintings on plywood and a stop motion film to finish...which all need to be installed by 5:00pm this Friday (for the April Art Walk)! Eeeeek.This month for the Transcendence project (read all about the amazing amazingness here) I am partnering with Goodwill Industries Mentoring Children of Promise, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Spokane. Together we are creating (an art project titled) 'A Brighter Future'. We have had two fun Saturdays of painting and now it's getting down to the line.

The photos were taken the last two Saturdays at the Porch. The Mentors and Mentees or Bigs and Littles (as they say) all worked together to create the backgrounds for the paintings. I am now painting on top. The layering of paint represents positive interactions and shows that each layer is important and essential to the final matter how small. That is where the stop motion film comes in. This project is really about process. It looks at not only how mentors can have a positive effect on children, but that the relationship goes both ways. I really learned a lot from them.

Our giant display will be one of 4 Transcendence projects on the same block...1st Ave between Madison and Monroe. Come see it in the Rock City Music Bldg (where Terrain was 09) and take a peek at what beautiful collaboration looks like.

Happy Art Walking! ♥

March 26, 2010

24 hour stop motion love!

As promised.... ♥ Enjoy!

MONTH: 24 hours with Tiffany Patterson on Vimeo.

Description: In March 2K10 a group of local Spokanite creatives took over the Kolva-Sullivan Gallery (115 S. Adams, Spokane, WA) with continuous 24 hour residencies. It was an art installation/social experiment and a giant party we called 'MONTH'.

This is my day. March 18th 5PM to March 19th 5PM.

Booze Day 2K10

(Click to view larger)

This is my newest poster project...Booze Day.

Every year Spokane has our beloved Bloomsday run. 'Bloomsday is one of the largest and most prestigious road races in the world, with over 50,000 entrants last year.' But Spokane also has its very own Booze Day Marathon Pub Run that happens the night before the big race. Hope you like her t-shirt because by entering Booze Day you get your very own. I am still working on illustrating the map for the Inlander. It is going to be amazing!

♥ ♥ ♥

March 22, 2010

Gold glitter...

I haven't blogged for a while and all my lovelies are backing up!

First, here is a sneak peek at my MONTH stay. It was absolutely amazing and exhausting...there will officially be gold glitter in the gallery for years to come. I will be editing and posting my stop motion film later this week (I took pictures during the entire stay). Most of the 24 hours were spent on top of a very tall tall ladder. Jacinda was such a huge help (building trees from posters and sewing patterns) and lots of friends stopped by and pitched in.Driving home the other day I begged Jacinda to stop at a nature park we go by every day. I have been dreaming of the photos I would take. It started pouring and the light was marvelous. This is my favorite shot I snapped when the rain let up. Flikr is calling to me...."Tiffany, pay the stupid fee - you NEED me!"

I left the walk with a deer scull, jaw bone, and vertebrae. Also that evening I pulled a tick out of my hair, and then screamed and threw it into my laptop. I had to scoop it up before it found refuge in my keypad. Thank god it didn't get me...I very much thought it was still to cold for them!

I didn't make it back to the MONTH gallery show during Taylor's stay (she was right after me), but did for Jillian's. It was the first day of spring, there were yellow stickers applied to my face, and I got to use a button maker for the first time!

I feel as if my photos are no longer doing the space justice. They are not even coming close to the magic you feel in this art jungle!The next time I pop into the gallery will be tomorrow for "A Romantic Evening with Boys Who Like Butterflies" Naaman (above) and John. We will be discussing the nature of gender, performance, and contemporary art.

Things are getting crazy here with all the art happenings coming up! I hope you are enjoying your spring. ♥ ♥ ♥

March 16, 2010

Happy Happy

I have been trying to be really good about not buying things for myself constantly (remodeling the new house and all)...but, one of my very favorite artists Caitlin Shearer (from Australia) has a sale going at her etsy shop that is almost ridiculous! Her prints are half off...and Happy Birthday to me, one is coming my way!

A blog I love called Dandelion Daydreamer did a wonderful interview today with Caitlin (where you can win prints). Caitlin also has a lovely blog I follow here. Check them out, treat yourself to some art! ♥

Oh...p.s. I started a Facebook fan page yesterday. You can join it here. I was a little worried but now just feel extremely loved. Over 130 people joined and it just went up yesterday. It feels so wonderful to have a community that supports you.

I ♥ Spokane

March 15, 2010

Day 10....boy she's pretty!

Karla Dagovitz blew me away today! Such a pretty lady dripping down down I found, as I entered the gallery this afternoon. There had been a change in the schedule and Karla got the 14th through the 15th (when one of the artist had to cancel). Megan Martins had the 13th creating a family tree with a forest of red stings hanging down. I love that Karla took those lines and repeated them with her lovely 'Sierra' lady dripping into a dead crow on the ground.

I've been running into Gallery owner Jim Kolva almost every time I stop in. I think we might be on the same schedule. He is delighted with how the show is going! I even got a shot of him snapping some photos of Karla and her works.I helped Dara Harvey bring some stuff in (including her fence). She even brought down her sewing machine...can't wait to see it tomorrow. We are holding our monthly RiverSpeak meeting in the space. How fun is that?!?


March 13, 2010

The artist is smoking hot!! (Month)

Another day at MONTH.
I am seeing a trend....little notes to the outside world seem to be stacking up inside the Kolva!

Mariah was successful, the gallery now has new pets besides that creepy dog (that may or may not be real)...little red wigglers. The art is finally starting to overlap and grow up towards the enormous empty space above. I slipped over after work and got to see day 7 end and LadyFest begin. Sadly I missed out on the dance party that evening! :(It is almost to the point that I cannot stand being in the space...way to excited for Thursday! I am starting to gather my supplies and I put out my Facebook event! I'm calling it Tiffany Patterson's 24 hour MONTH stay and post Birthday madness! Of course encouraging everyone to come make art with me, drink wine, and the most important....bring GOLD GLITTER! Oh such plans I have. I might add that it will take a full pickup truck load to get my "plans" down there!
My Birthday is on St. Patties day along with my anniversary (holy crap how 5 years flies by)! So, this being said, my posts of MONTH will be less frequent up until Thursday...many things to take care of in the mean time.

Loves and clovers! ♥ ♥ ♥

March 11, 2010

A week into Month

I showed up today right at the end of the Habein's Stay....
Grace didn't want to leave!
Then Patrick and Mariah showed up.

Mariah was getting settled in as I left...but I still got her to pose for some photos in her Shrinking Violet Tee-shirt. I had been needing a photo to include in my portfolio (as I am trying to keep better documentation of my work). A fellow (wonderfully artistic) Violet: Gaia Brown, handled the layout for the shirts that we sold at our Birthday Bash last month.
Mariah has promised worm bins I will sneak over after work to grab a photo. I have to say that there is so much wonderful creative energy in the gallery and if you are able you've got to stop in!



♥ Thank you Kelly (of Unconventional Ida) for your lovely post about my work!I know you have all seen her artwork on Etsy, but did you know she is just a hop and a skip away. Kelly lives over in Missoula MT. One day I intend to get over there and see her work in person...if it doesn't end up on my wall first!

Sometimes you think you should write a stranger on the internet to tell them they are lovely, but....? I say yes! Talk to strangers.

March 09, 2010

And on the fifth day...

Tonight was Conrad Bagley at the Kolva Sullivan Gallery. We were treated to a dinner party with homemade East Indian food. My particular favorite was the Lamb Curry. I brought Conrad a coconut which Killer Jillian Foster (of Black Rabbit Magic) took care of. A chop stick, wine opener and then later the cement floor proved handy.I snuck out early but not before seeing the start of Conrad's tapestry. There was wonderful food and company! This show is reminding me how great it is to live in this lovely city. The Habein family tomorrow (not said how you would think) with their daughter Grace...a budding young artist. This followed by a good friend and creator of the very popular Spovangelist blog, Mariah McKay. We've been promised worm bins!

Stay tuned! xoxo

March 08, 2010

March 07, 2010 one.

Imagine a space, a gallery with white walls and big windows. There is a bed in the middle with a brightly colored afghan and a handful of pillows. Now add the image of an artist let loose and free to do as they please for 24 hours. Take that image and times it by 24. That is 'Month'. Except some days there are 3 artists, and some days there are dance parties, and this Tuesday a dinner party. Month is a community instillation happening right now as you read this.

The rules are art leaves the gallery until after the closing party (when we all get to take something home). Everyone must respect the space, and all other artists work.

These photos are what I am calling the 'calm before the storm' (at the end of day one). Those of you that read my blog will recognize Chris Dreyer of Dreyer Press...I can't even wait till the 18th. I will be setting up my camera and making a little stop motion film of my stay! Here are a list of artist featured this month at the Kolva Sullivan Gallery...(5pm to 5pm the following day)

The Line-up:

March 5-6: Chris Dreyer
March 6-7: BrightSpirit
March 7-8: Thuy Nguyen
March 8-9: Bruce Hormann
March 9-10: Conrad Bagley
March 10-11: The Habein Family
March 11-12: Mariah McKay
March 12-13: LadyFest w/ Carolynn Connelly, Candice Walberg & Stephanie Sellers
March 13-14: Megan Martens
March 14-15: Matthew Waite
March 15-16: Dara Harvey
March 16-17: Shane
March 17-18: Marcia Dukes
March 18-19: Tiffany Patterson
March 19-20: Taylor Weech
March 20-21: Jillian Foster
March 21-22: Jamie Nadherny
March 22-23: Lisa Whiteman
March 23-24: Gina Rawls & Arelya Hader
March 24-25: Boys Who Like Butterflies
March 25-26: Angela Mageras & Hilary
March 26-27: The Koalas

I will be popping in randomly through the month and sharing photos of our progression here on my blog. Hope you check back!

March 04, 2010


An owl in a perfect is that!

This is a sneak peek at a design I put together for the Empyrean Coffee House. I made a bunch of (slightly different hand drawn) Empyreans, and can't wait to see which one they pick for the building...something about carved out of giant blocks, not sure. I am waiting to be surprised!

♥ love.

March 03, 2010


(Good ol Mariko)

My little art blog is turning into a little photo blog - c'est la vie.

I have wonderful wonderful projects afloat, so many in fact that I have eluded my blog. Great and exciting things to come though: Empyrean design goodies, Booze Day wonders, and an Art Gallery 24 hour residency group show thingy (in a couple weeks)...just hints for now.

Quick overview of our Shrinking Violet Society Birthday Bash we threw last Saturday....300+ people, 6 cases of donated champagne (not to mention beer, sparkling-cider, and bottled rootbeer) along with Santé cupcakes, and over $1,800 for our non-profit (you know, minus the expenses)! Can we say successful first public event? Here are a few favorite photos...Three lucky people even won some little original paintings of mine!Have a lovely day...♥ xoxo